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Frenchman's Chocolate Mousse - from Molly J. Wilkinson
6 large eggs
8 oz (225 g) bittersweet, dark or semisweet good-quality chocolate (60-70%), chopped
3/4 cup (180 mil) heavy cream
Big pinch of salt
1/4 (50 g) granulated sugar
Your choice of garnish: fresh berries, whipped cream, shredded coconut, and whatever sounds delicious!
Separate the egg yolks from the egg whites while they are cold, being careful not to get any yolk in the whites.
Melt the chocolate either carefully in hte microwave or in a double boiler. In a small saucepan, heat the cream until simmering, then pour over the chocolate. Whisk to form a thick ganache. Whisk hte egg yolks into the ganache and add the salt.
Whip the egg whites on medium speed, using hte whisk attachment, until they resemble foam. When no liqud egg white is visible, increse the speed to medium-high. Gradually add the sugar, and whip until medium peaks form.
Fold the whites inte the ganache in thirds. For the first third, whisk i well to loosen up the texture. This will make it easier to incorporate the rest of the whites. Fold in remaining whites, but careful not to deflate the batter.
Transfer the mousse into the container you've chosen: either small individual glasses or a large bowl for everyone. Cover with plastic wrap. Small containers should chill for at least 3 hours before serving. A large serving bowl needs to chill overnight
Bring to room temperature before eating for best flavor. Decorate with your choice of garnish. Great to make ahead - lasts for three days.